Anna Mlasowsky

May 6 - May 27, 2023

In December, I promised myself to spend the next four months making work based on intuition the ultimate rejection of patriarchy that has taught me to reason and justify how and what I make. The result of this is a series of humanoid but not figurative sculptures that ponder, visualize, and play with the experience of being a woman while rejecting traditional expectations of womanhood.

I have allowed myself to resist making work based on expectations towards an artist’s creative progression and intellectual reasoning, nothing in this exhibition looks like anything I have ever made. I have trusted that the value, meaning and form will reveal itself from within the materials and worked not towards something but with something. In this series wood, bee pollen, milk powder, poppy seeds, vinyl, fabric, hide, ceramic, and glass lend their intrinsic qualities and associations to create meaning. I view the sculptures as manifestations of experiences and emotions. In the end each of them relates to very concrete concepts without rationalizing them.

More of Anna’s work can be seen at or @annamlasowsky